Renee Simons Renee Simons

Cesarean Scar Therapy

C-Section Scar Treatment - Scar Release Therapy (SRT) uses Microcurrent Point Stimulation to address tissue tightness, mobility restrictions and pain.

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Swelling, MDL, Lymphatic Drainage, Post-surgery Renee Simons Swelling, MDL, Lymphatic Drainage, Post-surgery Renee Simons

Benefits of Massage Therapy Post Surgery

Support, guidance, education, monitoring, and encouragement during the recovery process are the main benefits of massage therapy for surgery patients. Specialized techniques improve lymph flow and postural patterning, and a relaxing environment is a mood enhancer.

There are three phases of recovery following surgery: acute, subacute, and chronic, and specialized massage therapy assumes a valuable role during each phase.

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Visceral Manipulation, Liver, Organs Renee Simons Visceral Manipulation, Liver, Organs Renee Simons

What the heck is Organ Massage?

Organ massage, otherwise known as Visceral Manipulation isn't a new fad. It was popularized in the 80s by French osteopath Jean Pierre Barral. He went on to create the Barral Institute which has become a leader in training and education in Visceral Manipulation and other manual therapy techniques.

Most of the time when people hear the word massage soft music, scented oils, and relaxation comes to mind. Sometimes, we think of more therapeutic applications such as sports injuries, headaches, or low back pain. Rarely do we associate massage therapy with our organs.

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MLD, Swelling, Edema, Lymphatic Drainage Mariana Samoluk MLD, Swelling, Edema, Lymphatic Drainage Mariana Samoluk

What is the Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system is an extensive drainage network that helps keep bodily fluid levels in balance and defends the body against infections. It is made up of a complex network of lymph capillaries, lymph nodes, lymph ducts, lymph organs, and a network of lymphatic vessels that carry lymph and other substances throughout the body. You have lymphatic vessels all around your body. Lymph nodes tend to cluster in certain places such as on the side of your neck, under your arms, or in your groin.

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Mummy Tummy and what you can do about it.

Having a baby is one of the most exciting times in a woman’s life. Filled with the awesomeness of giving birth to a teeny tiny creation, unconditional love, and profound joy. Women are made to create life and bring it into the world and yet it can also be one of the most daunting adventures in life. Fraught with unknowns and difficulties we weren’t prepared for.

Mummy Tummy or Diastasis Recti is one such challenge. This is where the “six-pack abs” or Rectus Abdominus muscles begin to separate down the midline of the trunk as a baby grows to term. While this is a normal adaptation during pregnancy, the separation should normally begin to draw together in the first 8 weeks of postpartum, however, in some instances, this is not the case.

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