Scar Therapy
Scars can be intimidating, come in all shapes and sizes and result from injury, trauma or surgery.
Over time, scars can lead to chronic pain, activating the body's stress response, impaired circulation, fascial injuries, and restricted functional movements. Scar Therapy can improve the look and sensation of your scar, decrease tissue tightness, increase blood flow and reduce pain, improving mobility.
No matter the origin, at Connecta Health, we can address the common complaints that result from scarring.
Do you struggle with:
Neck, shoulder and back pain
Altered sensation (numbness, tingling or hypersensitivity)
Tightness or restricted mobility
Poor digestive or bladder function
Pelvic pain
Reduced blood flow
Recurring injuries
Chronic swelling
If this sounds familiar, at Connecta Health — Calgary's Scar Specialists — we can help you get back to feeling better and doing what you love.
What We Treat
Cesarean/C-Section scars
Mastectomy scars
Post-plastic surgery scars
Traumatic injuries
Gender reassignment
Total joint replacements
Surgical - abdominal and pelvic surgeries
Scar Release Therapy (SRT) addresses both chronic pain and dermal scarring that occurs post-trauma or surgery through the use of Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS). Applying brief and concentrated DC-current impulses, MPS targets specific treatment points along scar tissue by targeting direct cellular stimulation of microcurrent waves. This simple procedure releases the tense scar contracture, which reduces pain, dermal trauma, adhesions and fascial restrictions. We also incorporate cupping, taping, or other treatments as part of the Scar Release Therapy offered at Connecta Health.
Scar Therapy can improve the look and sensation of your scar, decrease tissue tightness, increase blood flow, improve mobility and reduce pain.
From Our Experts
What to expect during a session
During your first Scar Release Therapy session, your therapist will:
Have a conversation to get to know you, your scar story, current concerns and your health goals.
Assess your scar mobility and sensation, postural alignment, and pain.
Address any questions or concerns.
Work with you to develop treatment goals and create a plan based on those goals to help you achieve optimal results.
Start your path to healing with a scar release treatment followed by any indicated soft tissue work and a customized home care plan.
Our Services
Visceral Manipulation
Lymphatic Massage
Massage Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy

We understand women and the complexities women face in their health journey. We strive to support and provide treatment options to empower you.
The Connecta Health Team
Renee Simons, RMT
Amanda Paszkowski, RMT
Andrea Delannoy, RMT
Christine Sharp, RMT