We treat scars.
Scars come in all shapes and sizes and can be from an injury, trauma or surgery.
No matter the origin we address many common complaints that result from scarring.
Scar Release Therapy (SRT) addresses both chronic pain and dermal scarring that occurs post-trauma or surgery through the use of Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS). MPS applies brief concentrated DC current impulses to specific treatment points or along scar tissue. By targeting direct cellular stimulation of microcurrent waves through the scars, this simple procedure works by releasing the tense scar contracture which in turn reduces dermal trauma, adhesions, and fascial restrictions and pain.
Post Plastic Surgery
Traumatic injuries
Gender reassignment
Total joint replacements
Surgical - abdominal, pelvic surgeries
Renée Simons, RMT
Visceral Manipulation / Myofascial Release / MPS Neurostimulation
Amanda Paszkowski, RMT
Massage Therapy / CranioSacral / Visceral Manipulation / MPS Neurostimulation
Andrea Delannoy, RMT
Massage Therapy / Lymphatic Massage / Cupping / MPS Neurostimulation
Christine Sharp, RMT
Massage Therapy / Cupping / Sports Massage / MPS Neurostimulation