Benefits of Massage Therapy Post Surgery


Support, guidance, education, monitoring and encouragement during the recovery process are the main benefits of massage therapy for surgery patients. Specialized techniques improve lymph flow and postural patterning, and a relaxing environment is a mood enhancer.

There are three phases of recovery following surgery: acute, subacute and chronic, and specialized massage therapy assumes a valuable role during each phase.

  • In the acute phase, from the time of surgery to several days post-surgery, lymph-drainage techniques facilitate the movement of excess swelling through the lymphatic system, away from the surgical site.

  • In the subacute phase, a couple of months later, when the surgical site is healed and sealed, scar work and light fascial work with a passive range of motion softens tissue. This allows normal movement of surrounding tissue and activates neuromuscular regeneration.

  • In the chronic phase, techniques that address postural distortion and joint movement are appropriate. Integrated techniques such as lymph drainage, scar treatment and alignment therapy are used as the therapist sees fit, depending on what phase of healing and emotional state the client presents. However, it is how and when these techniques are used, along with a great deal of patience, listening and compassion that brings the greatest recovery benefit.

Mariana Samoluk, RMT/CLT

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