Connecta Health | Calgary's Scar Therapy Specialists

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Cesarean Scar Therapy

Motherhood is an exciting time but can come with unexpected challenges such as having a C-Birth. Nearly one-third of births in Canada are performed by cesarean section or C-section. Yet outside of infection prevention suggestions, very little post-surgical care is offered to women.

C-section scars can come with traumatic feelings and emotions which can activate your body’s stress response. This can impact how your body heals, creating tightness in the surrounding muscles or tissues and reduced circulation.

Over time, cesarean scar tightness and scar pain can impact abdominal muscle strength and posture, and develop into chronic hip and lower back pain. Deeper adhesions may also affect bladder function and pelvic pain. Urgency, increased frequency, painful urination or sex, constipation, abdominal pain or bloating.


C-section Scar Release Therapy uses Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS), which is Health Canada and FDA-approved. MPS applies brief concentrated DC-current impulses along your scar. You will experience minimal, and sometimes no pain during the treatment.

The treatment stimulates your body’s healing process, reduces tightness and alleviates pain.


  • Reduced pain

  • Improved mobility

  • Decreased tissue tightness

  • Improve appearance


  • During your first C-section scar release session, your therapist will:

  • Have a conversation to get to know you, your birth story, current concerns and your health goals

  • Assess your scar mobility and sensation, postural alignment, core strength and DRA status (ab muscle separation)

  • Address your questions or concerns

  • Work with you to develop treatment goals and based on them create a plan to help you achieve them.

  • Start your path to healing with a c-section scar release treatment followed by any indicated soft tissue work and a customized homecare plan.


When can I start Scar Release Therapy (SRT)?

As soon as possible! MPS helps stimulate your body’s natural healing processes. It is gentle and non-invasive. Whenever you feel comfortable is the best time to start. We follow the highest sanitizing and hygiene standards.

How many sessions will I need?

Many factors will determine your treatment frequency or duration. The degree of scar trauma, history of infection, or prior C-births will play a role in determining your treatment plan. Your therapist will discuss this with you at the end of your first visit

My scar is more than a year old. Can I still benefit from SRT?

Yes! It’s never too late to start your healing journey. Older scars may require more time to create lasting changes in your body.

Is SRT covered by insurance?

Yes. SRT visits are billed under your massage therapy benefits. We direct bill most insurance plans.

Still have questions? Ask us about this and other treatment options that might be right for you. We offer complimentary virtual consultations.

Renee Simons is an RMT who focuses on Women’s Health and Happy Digestion. She has been practicing since 2004 and lives in Calgary with her family.

Learn more about C-section scar release therapy at MPS Dolphin Scar Therapy